Saturday, December 12, 2009

The BEAM has arrived

Today the Beam came. That's Big Mama for those of you who for some unknown reason don't know that. I left E and the boys at home, Dad, Eden, Reeder and I went to the erport (Reeder for airport). Mom's flight was delayed so we wasted as much time as possible at Wal-Mart and Chili's. Eden is convinced Opa loves Chili's, Dad isn't so sure, we'll have to ask him about that.

While in SC, Reeder saw Papa wearing a bib, she thought it was hysterical. I guess this is how my father eats on a normal basis. Wierd, but, well, that's my Dad. He did it again today at lunch-the girls found this quite funny.And decided that they, too, needed bibs.
Then we waited patiently for her to come down the escalator. If you look closely you can imagine quite a conversation going on between these two. Something like...
E-Reeder, what do you think Big Mama will think of our new shoes?
R-Ooooh, she'll love the boots. But, Eden, what about the van?
E-Well it's really cool, and I can pee in it whenever I want.
R-But Big Mama is clean like me, so I think she won't like the layer of crumbs on the floor.
E-Don't worry, at least we can pee.
R-And make gingerbread cookies!
And then our big helpers got Big Mama to the car. Shannon, what do you think is in there? I'll give you a hint...Mom had to check the bag because it couldn't go through security....
Hallelujah, hallelujah, hallelujah! Perrin-(E's bff)-I blame you! You are an esthetician and you let my sister go out in public like that! I mean, seriously! I asked the lady if she needed a lawn mower? I HAD to step in!
And Leo still loves Papa the most! Or, I think, he stayed in between the two of them because he felt safe from the hugger!
Gingerbread cookie time! We promised the girls as soon as Big Mama got here they could go to town. Pretty good way of giving the moms a little space asap, don't you think? I wonder if Mom noticed...

This was a VERY serious project.
I hope you all love how Eden is rockin' her headband. Do you think she broke a sweat?
And Hayes got in on the action, too...
Scoping out the kill....
Going for it!
When Eden attacks....
And every so often Hayes shows his softer side and sits still for a couple minutes. We lost Papa's reading glasses in DC-hopefully Mom remembered his new ones...

Well, tomorrow is a BIG day. We separate! AHHH! E, the girls and I head to Orlando for some good times with old friends. Mom and Dad stay here with the boys, to meet up for a crazy Disney experience later in the week. See ya tomorrow in the 407!


  1. I love Big Mamma's red velour track suit!!!! looking good BM:) It looks like Hayeser, aka The Hugger, was bobbing for ginger bread cookies instead of apples. I think I got away easy with just making brownies at my place:) Looks like every one was having a great time. I hope the visit with SLP and Wyatt is a good time, as I'm sure it will be. Keep the blogs coming!!!

  2. Those cookies look absolutely delicious. And Hayes dure does "DIVE IN". What fun. Can't wait to hear about the "girls about town".
    Tell Reeder and Eden they did a fantastic job decorating cookies!

  3. those cookies look delish! i love how eden is all business about the cookie making! and nothing better than a good book and a good nose pick!
