Wednesday, January 6, 2010

The Dreamer chimes in...

I really can't remember how I got roped into this deal or how it ever got to be my dream - I think I wasn't paying attention when Marianne and Elizabeth cooked this up and I agreed to it thinking either that they were kidding or that it would never happen anyway and it least it would quiet them. Later, when I realized the fix I was in, I decided to go forward against my better judgment figuring it would either be the best vacation I ever had (not counting that HERSELF wasn't there for the whole time) or,more likely, the worst. Actually - aside from the first few hours with Hayes - I had a great time and thoroughly enjoyed it. With the help of medication, my blood pressure is returning to normal and, without medication, my ears have stopped ringing. I now remember why God gives you children when you're young and understand that grandchildren are your reward for not killing your children. I am glad, despite misgivings along the way, that we let Elizabeth and Marianne live.